Saturday, June 6, 2009

AWK equivalent in Windows Powershell

Powershell has lot of features and abilities for text parsing. AWK is one of very powerful commands available for text parsing in Unix/Linux. We do not have a Awk like cmdlet in Powershell. But we can do everything in Powershell that can be done with Awk.

Powershell combined with .Net Classes provide very powerful regular expressions for text parsing.

Now, lets play with Bash Awk and Powershell. I'm going to create a test.csv file for our testing and use that through out this topic.

Content of test.csv for our testing

1,Tony Passaquale,7920,20090222 21:59:00,800,4.78,3824,Follow-up
2,Nigel Shan Shanford,30316,20090405 16:34:00,400,9.99,3996,New-Opportunity
3,Selma Cooper,97455,20090405 16:31:00,1000,9.99,9990,Pre-Approach
4,Allen James,95140,20090405 16:31:00,1000,9.99,9990,New-Opportunity

So, Lets jump in

Display second field in test.csv

[jagadish.g@localhost Scripts]$ cat test.csv | awk -F, '{print $2}'
Tony Passaquale
Nigel Shan Shanford
Selma Cooper
Allen James

PS C:\Scripts> Get-Content .\test.csv | %{ $_.Split(',')[1]; }
Tony Passaquale
Nigel Shan Shanford
Selma Cooper
Allen James

Now, lets try getting the total value of third field in all the records in test.csv

[jagadish.g@localhost Scripts]$ cat test.csv | awk -F, '{total+=$3} END {print "Total: "total}'
Total: 230831

PS C:\Scripts> Get-Content .\test.csv | %{ [int]$total+=$_.Split(',')[2]; } ; Write-Host "Total: $total"
Total: 230831

Get no of fields in each record

[jagadish.g@localhost Scripts]$ cat test.csv | awk -F, '{print "No of fields in record "$1" = "NF }'
No of fields in record 1 = 8
No of fields in record 2 = 8
No of fields in record 3 = 8
No of fields in record 4 = 8

PS C:\Scripts> Get-Content .\test.csv | %{ $a=$_.Split(','); Write-Host "No of fields in record"$a[0]"="$a.length; }
No of fields in record 1 = 8
No of fields in record 2 = 8
No of fields in record 3 = 8
No of fields in record 4 = 8

Regular Expression matching in Awk and Powershell. Print a record if the last field contains any of these lowercase characters (a, b or c)

[jagadish.g@localhost Scripts]$ cat test.csv | awk -F, '{if ($NF ~ "[a-c]") print}'
3,Selma Cooper,97455,20090405 16:31:00,1000,9.99,9990,Pre-Approach

PS C:\Scripts> Get-Content .\test.csv | %{ if ($_.Split(',')[-1] -match "[a-c]") { $_; } }
3,Selma Cooper,97455,20090405 16:31:00,1000,9.99,9990,Pre-Approach


  1. Excellent, thanks for sharing

  2. If you would like to use tab delimiters, you can use the following form:
    gc .\test.csv | %{ [regex]::split($_, '\t')[3]; }

    1. You could user {$_.split("`t")[3]}

  3. Hello,
    If I manually run powershell "Get-Content .\ImagesList.txt | %{ $_.Split('')[3]; }" > BackupIdList.txt on the cmd it was completed very well, but if I insert this line on a CMD file, it return the error bellow:
    Expressions are only permitted as the first element of a pipeline.
    At line:1 char:51
    + Get-Content .\ImagesList.txt | { $_.Split('')[3]; } <<<<
    Anyone can help me? Thanks in advance.

  4. Try enclosing the statement with braces as shown below.

    (Get-Content .\ImagesList.txt | %{ $_.Split('')[3]; }) > BackupIdList.txt

    If that didn't work, try this link.

  5. Hello,

    I am new to programming and now presently using Windows Powershell. I have PS 1.0 installed and have .NET framework and .NET SDK also installed but when I type the method "Split" which I am desperately looking for is not getting recognized. Please help how can I import this method??


  6. Hi, thsi is really cool. How do I print multiple columns

    cat file | awk -F: '{print $1,$3}'
    I've tried
    cat c:\numbers.txt | foreach {($_ -split ':')[0,2]}

    But that prints all of column 0, follwed by all of column 2 rather than side be side.

    Many Thanks

  7. Try this,

    PS D:\> cat c:\numbers.txt | foreach {Write-Host ($_ -split ',')[0,2]}

  8. Arrgh, no need to use cat when using awk:
    awk -F, '{print $2}' test.csv

  9. I agree with Jagdish that AWK is one of very powerful commands available for text parsing in Unix/Linux. We do not have a Awk like cmdlet in Powershell. But we can do everything in Powershell that can be done with Awk.
    but I dont know why
    D:\> cat c:\numbers.txt | foreach {Write-Host ($_ -split ',')[0,2]}
    this doesn't worked for me

  10. Hello Jagdish,

    Your article was very helpful and descriptive.
    I am stuck on a point in script I am writing.
    I have to search for Ips which are conencted from port 80 and in Established state after running this cmd" netstat -aonp".
    I tried above method but when saving output into csv format I am getting unnnessary details which is stopping me to go ahead."Export-Csv -Path D:\netstat.txt -Encoding UTF8 -NoTypeInformation
    Please help

  11. While it is good to see Microsoft FINALLY saw a need for a scripting tool that will be useful.

    As a 20yr Unix veteran, I have to say make it Posix compliant, and make the damned commands the same, so those of us who love the simplicity of scripting in Unix can port scripts without re-writes. I don't want to go through the process of re-tooling my scripts.

    I have a boat load of scripts that move files from one location to another, to push files via SCP/SFTP and clearly without the features of a full blown Linux/Unix system..

    Awk needs to be awk, sed needs to be sed, cat needs to be cat..

    i see this notion of an attempt to mimic Awk, and I cringe at the bastardize of the simplicity, extending the length of a simple
    awk '{print $1, $4}' text.txt > text.csv

    into a
    "Export-Csv -Path D:\filename.txt -Encoding UTF8 -NoTypeInformation"

    seriously!? KISS Dennis Richie was correct:
    "UNIX is very simple, it just needs a genius to understand its simplicity." Dennis Ritchie.

  12. Saw this and had to send it to the previous poster. I couldn't agree more.

    We Unix guys see have witnessed the invariable need for Microsoft's reboots, and laugh heartily and the example of sloppy programming of an OS. While I've had Sparc's with serious memory leaks Microsoft takes the trophy for reboots because of it. While I can stumble my way through a product with a GUI, give me a command line vi, and few mature Unix utilities over an after thought like Powershell any day of the week.

  13. I love awk, sed and all the other unix commands that helped me save many a days work... it is great that it is coming in ANY form to the Windows platform.

    Also, Export-Csv builds a csv to MS standard, i.e. with the BOM codes in place, so that a slight improvement for the windows excel that uses those.

  14. That helped me a lot! Thanks!

  15. Hi based on your example

    test.csv can you tell me how to search and get the string if one string line meets 2 conditions

    for the unix area i would do this
    cat test.txt | awk 'substr(%0,49,2)==99 && substr(%0,64,2)=="un" {print $0}'


    4,Allen James,95140,20090405 16:31:00,1000,9.99,9990,New-Opportunity

    1. the powershell version above im looking for

  16. awk '{ FS="|" } { print $2}' | sed s/" *"//

    anyone help me with the equivalent command in power shell

  17. type fileName | foreach { ($_ -split "|")[1] -replace " *" "" }

    I have not tested this. Use at your own peril.

  18. The point that UN*X people are missing about Powershell is that PS deals with objects. Strings are one type of object. Other examples of objects are :process, user, file etc., In fact It is used to orgainse VM's, databases and what-have-you.

  19. How can PS split rows that have a column of concatenated (delimited) values into multiple rows for each value? e.g. if 'Tony Passaquale' had multiple values in a field, creating multiple rows for Tony Passaquale, one for each value?

  20. **** Just a word for the *NIX Administrators of the world ****

    Guys, even though as per Dennis Ritchie, UNIX is simple and only geniuses can understand it's simplicity.. IT and computing are all about generosity and getting as close to a person as you can. The world is made up of billions or lame people like me who aren't geniuses and what's so great about UNIX if people don't understand it too easily. The words 'Open Source' (or free to everyone and available to everyone) do not make sense with the *NIX OSes as does the concept. So, get better and get close to people.

    Just an FYI, Microsoft does it the right way using Windows.

    Stop fighting!!

  21. I pull this request from:
    but would like the Get-Content equivalent to AWK command below.

    In my database schema I have 33 fields, however some of the lines in my csv file has less than 33 fields therefore when I import the file, it complains about miss match.
    using awk how can I go about adding NULL fields spreader by in order to full up 33 rows

    This the unix AWK command to add empty fields at the end of line:
    awk -F'|' -v OFS='|' '{for(i=NF+1;i<=33;i++)$i=""}1' file.csv

    Can you give me the Get-Content equivalent please?

    your help is highly appreciated

    1. This works in PS 3.0 at least:

      PS>Import-Csv file.csv | Export-Csv file2.csv

      Note: This will change the CSV format to Microsoft's standard, "Quote Everything", style...

      My test file:

      1,"Tom Cat","123 Some St","ACity","ST","12345","(888)555-1212"
      2,"Tina Smith","345 Your St"
      3,"Chris Johnson","5678 My St","TheCity","ST"

      The Import-Csv cmdlet reads this with no problem, inserting null fields to fill out the rows. Export-Csv then writes a new file with the correct number of fields in each row.

  22. @ecnerwal72

    This works in PS 3.0 at least:

    PS>Import-Csv file.csv | Export-Csv file2.csv

    Note: This will change the CSV format to Microsoft's standard, "Quote Everything", style...

    1. This works in PS 3.0 at least:

      PS>Import-Csv file.csv | Export-Csv file2.csv

      Note: This will change the CSV format to Microsoft's standard, "Quote Everything", style...

      My test file:

      1,"Tom Cat","123 Some St","ACity","ST","12345","(888)555-1212"
      2,"Tina Smith","345 Your St"
      3,"Chris Johnson","5678 My St","TheCity","ST"

      The Import-Csv cmdlet reads this with no problem, inserting null fields to fill out the rows. Export-Csv then writes a new file with the correct number of fields in each row.

  23. Sorry I left off some information...

    My test file:

    1,"Tom Cat","123 Some St","ACity","ST","12345","(888)555-1212"
    2,"Tina Smith","345 Your St"
    3,"Chris Johnson","5678 My St","TheCity","ST"

    The Import-Csv cmdlet reads this with no problem, inserting null fields to fill out the rows. Export-Csv then writes a new file with the correct number of fields in each row.

  24. Hmm... maybe this will help, at least with trying to write awk-like scripts in Powershell:
    #begin script

    #my awk(1) roots are deep...

    #hard-code for now. replace with command-line param, right?
    #ideally, stream through the file. Get-Content loads it all into memory...
    #not very possible when working with a big file...
    $file = Get-Content c:\autoexec.bat

    Write-Host $file.Length

    $file | foreach-Object -Begin {
    } -Process {
    #all the non BEGIN or END awk patterns go in here...

    $line = $_

    #unlike awk, the data isn't already split up into variables.

    $rec = $line.Split($FS)
    $FC = $rec.length #field count

    #TODO: set up a string ala gawk to do fixed-length records well

    #not quite as elegant/terse as $1, $2, $3... it is what it is...
    if ($rec[1] ~ "regex") {
    #do something
    Write-Host $line

    } -End {
    #iterate through Subscribers
    #...or use this to iterate through other collections by SubscriberID...


    Write-Host $rc
    #end script

    One advantage of Powershell is that it'll handle Unicode text files. gnuwin32's awk doesn't handle unicode files very w e l l a t a l l .

    Yes, this is more or less a proof-of-concept I came up with, to be a template that I could reuse later, in case any Unix-phobic managers were to see me using actual Unix cli tools in Windows. By all means, offer improvements to the code!

    I'll maybe read them, but hopefully if you have something to add, then add it, and everyone else will benefit, too, when they get to this thread via Google.

    If you only have negatives (whether about my post, Unix-vs-Windows, Powershell vs bash/ksh/tcsh/etc, etc), then just save your breath and sod off.

  25. Hi i try to transcript an awk command to powershell

    i have a text file




    And i would like to do the same than this unix command in powershell

    cat $this_file|awk '/SQLAfter/,/SQLFailed/ {print $0}'| grep -v SQL|sed -e 's/^$//'

    It's return


    Thanks for your help.

    I'm a beginner of powershell sorry for my english

  26. The most common awk case though,

    echo '1 2 3' | awk '{print $2}'

    .split() can't do.

  27. With a variable number of spaces.

  28. excelent man, you gave me the 1st real intro... to PS ! thanks

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  32. I really appreciate your professional approach.These are pieces of very useful information that will be of great use for me in future.


  33. Equivalent for " awk '{print $NF}' FILE " ???

    1. Get-Content FILE | Measure-Object -line

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  35. Unix admin here. I need to rename a bunch (thousands) of files on a windows server. As an example, the files need to go from a filename of backup-moodle2-course-33579-wi19_sosc235-01-20190127-2236.mbz to wi19_sosc2352236.mbz. I can accomplish this by moving the files to one of my unix servers and doing the following:

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    This is not going to be a one time thing, so if I could create a script, or command line the user could run from Powershell on his own that would be great. I'm really new to Powershell (just heard about it today) so if anyone has any ideas it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

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  38. there is an error in that example:
    PS C:\Scripts> Get-Content .\test.csv | %{ [int]$total+=$_.Split(',')[2]; } ; Write-Host "Total: $total"
    need to initialize $total to zero

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  44. we can do everything in Powershell that can be done with Awk.

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  45. "we can do everything in Powershell that can be done with Awk" is a VERY bold and frankly ridiculous statement, especially when the demo demonstrates how to use awk incorrectly. Never pipe the output of cat on a *nix system. It is pointless and very inefficient. Use awk '{.....}' filename.

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  73. Manchester United manager Ole Gunnar Solskjaer is set to lead his team at the top of the game against Atalanta in the UEFA Champions League group F on Tuesday, November 2. Red Devils" just called morale back to the team again. After showing great form in the match invaded Tottenham Hotspur comfortable horseshoes on Saturday past. Causing the pressure situation of "Aunt Candy" to relax a lot, however, in the away game Atalanta, เว็บพนันออนไลน์
    they do not underestimate because if they lose to a team from the city of Bergamo. There is a chance to fall into 3rd place in the group and have to be stressed in the final match against Young Boys

  74. confirming that it was the 85th minute score. Atalanta closed the box from a long shot. คาสิโนสด Duvan Zapata's fortified with the right, a joint distance of 30 yards, the ball bounced off the ground, almost plugged in the first post to save David de Gea, frightened, dropped a little during the 90+1 minute injury time, "Red Devils" equalized to 2. -2

  75. The former Real Madrid defender has been injured again. and during his absence Their defense was like a broken dam.

    Although it has not yet been determined when คาสิโนยูฟ่าเบ็ท Rafael Varane will return. But at least he is unlikely to be ready for the Manchester derby in the next few days for sure.

    Leicester scored four goals, Liverpool five more in United without Varane - let's just guess what City can do.

  76. As a result, Lewandowski became the first player since November 2013 to score, assist. And failed to score a penalty in the same match in a Champions League คาสิโนออนไลน์เว็บตรง ​game, the last person before him to do so was Diego Costa, who did it while playing for Atletico Madrid in the match. with Austria Vienn

  77. Aguero had worked with Guardiola at the เว็บคาสิโนอันดับ1 Etihad for a while before his contract with Manchester City expired and joined Barcelona last summer. come But a few days ago, the 33-year-old had a pain in his chest during the match and was quickly substituted off the field. Most recently, it was stated that he had to be rested for at least three months.

  78. It was a huge celebration of the 100th UEFA Champions League game เว็บคาสิโนออนไลน์ for Bayern Munich striker Robert Lewandowski. German Sliga after scoring a hat-trick to help the club open the home Allianz Arena beat Benfica 5-2 on Tuesday, November 2.

  79. Manchester United were two rounds behind but were leveled thanks to Cristiano Ronaldo's goals in stoppage time both in the first and second half. In the second เครดิตฟรีไม่ต้องฝาก
    half, their defensive game did not look as good as it should be. Which many see it because the French defender Raphael Varane was substituted from the 38th minute due to the fact that he appeared to have an injury.

  80. Atletico Madrid's situation even worse. because there must be 10 players left after Felipe เว็บไซต์ พนันออนไลน์
    received a direct red card From going to deliberately foul the game on Mane at the end of the first half, "Reds" had the opportunity to score more goals from Mohamed Salah's left-footed shot and Jota's strike, but Oblak all protected Starting the

  81. Cristiano Ronaldo has returned to Manchester United พนันสล็อต after leaving 12 years ago, helping the team score many important goals.
    As Gian Piero Gasperini puts it, he is one of the sharpest strikers of his generation. And more than half of his shots on target often end up in the bottom of the net.

  82. Atletico Madrid striker Antoine Griezmann has สล็อตออนไลน์ฟรี
    expressed his dissatisfaction with the referee's decision during his side's 2-0 defeat to Liverpool at Anfield. UEFA Champions League group stage Group B on Wednesday 3 November ago.

  83. However, on race day, it turned out that Maguire had a real name. But it wasn't very good for Manchester United as they lost 2-4 to Leicester and in the following games เว็บคาสิโน Maguire's overall performance was not so impressive that it made Many said he was the cause of many goals the team lost.

  84. It is a great form for Liverpool, the giants of the English Premier League stage, after they recently opened their home at Anfield 2-0 Atletico Madrid in the UEFA Champions League group stage B on Wednesday, November 3, until เกมคาสิโน they collected all 4 wins in this round.

  85. According to The Telegraph, when Harry Maguire was playing against Leicester, he was actually not fit to play in the field. With still having to take a break for another 7-10 days together, during which Maguire has been heavily blamed for causing the team to lose many goals Harry Maguire, the captain of the Manchester team Lester United had to play in the English Premier League match that the club lost 2-4 to Leicester City on October ไพ่แบล็คแจ็คออนไลน์
    16, although doctors estimate that he will need another 7-10 days to recover from the condition. Fit for playing, according to The Telegraph, the city's elite media.

  86. Buiting put the ball to the Reedley Basser, looking far in front of the penalty area. สล็อตออนไลน์ The ball is narrowly inserted into the top of the net. But Mr. Dan Kai floated again. 69th minute. The end of the 81st minute. Danilho Dogi defeated Harry Kane, but the visiting team pulled the local spearhead down. The black team decided to raise two yellow

  87. Shock happened during West Ham's European Cup draw with Genk on Wednesday when a Hammer's supporter cut an inch during the goal celebration. It's good to be คาสิโน treated in a timely manner. A West Ham United fan suffered a torn finger on the pitch during their UEFA Europa League Group H draw with Belgian side Genk 2. 2 on Thursday, November 4

  88. Manchester United legend Michael Silvest has defended the current Red Devils captain, Harry Maguire, who has been heavily criticized for his poor form that led to a series of defeats to his opponents. this season
    “This season has been a very difficult year for คาสิโนสด Maguire as he has just returned from injury and faced a poor overall form of the team. Ultimately, it has had a devastating effect on our confidence that it has made many mistakes,” Nam Dupa told MyBettingSites.

  89. A West Ham United fan suffered a torn finger on the pitch during their UEFA Europa League Group H draw with Belgian side Genk 2. 2 On Thursday, November 4, the hosts took the lead in the fourth minute before the visitors netted two goals เกมสล็อต from Said Benrahma in 59 and 82 minutes.

  90. While coach Didier เกมคาสิโน
    Deschamps, "Chicken Badge", despite leading the team to the Nations League title, with a disappointing performance at Euro 2020, where they were eliminated from the last 16 by foot. of Switzerland was also in a stressful situation.

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  92. was very calm back then. while others There is an emotion that - This guy is still still. He was very dangerous- and it made me gain respect from them after that. But anyway, I love Gary very much and he loves คาสิโนสด me too, from the way I talk about United in a good way, he says I'm a true Mancunian. You love Manchester United and he will be your best friend."

  93. The Reds have scored at least three goals in their last six away games in the Premier League, คาสิโนauto scoring 22 goals, which in English football history has been the only team to net three or more goals in play. Seven away games in a row were Birmingham City's between November 1892 and September 1983. In the second tier, West Ham

  94. Varane just returned to full fitness in the game as the "Red Devils" defeated Tottenham Hotspur 3-0 and did a great job. But had to suffer another misfortune in the attack game Atalanta 2-2 in the UEFA Champions League group stage, Group F on Tuesday, November 2, past Solskjaer. revealed in a press conference on Friday that “With all the technology at the moment, you can expect him สล็อตออนไลน์เว็บตรง
    to be out of four or five weeks from the scan. It's bad news for us, Raphael came in and had a huge influence, but Eric Bailly played in the last match and did great. That's why we have a large team. and can cope with missing players."

  95. Manchester United forward Edison Cavani has คาสิโนยูฟ่าเบท announced he wants to take part in the Manchester derby against Manchester City on Saturday, according to reports. Manchester Evening News
    The Uruguay national team striker just scored 1 goal in the game that the Red Devils defeated Tottenham last week. And they will have a major battle against Pep Guardiola's squad this weekend.

  96. Over the years, many have cited Manchester City's team condition, style of play and overall performance far superior to their city rivals. Especially since Guardiola took over the reins of Manchester City in 2016, Manchester United has always performed particularly well in Manchester derby matches. คาสิโนออนไลน์เครดิตฟรี
    Especially the last four league games in which Manchester United have won 3 times, while the other one ended in a draw, and both teams have a duel on Saturday, November 6.

  97. Evra was a key figure at Manchester United when he joined from AS Monaco in January 2006, helping the team to several trophies. For example, five league titles and one UEFA Champions League champion, for example, makes him เกมสล็อตออนไลน์ one of the favorites of the "Red Army" to this day.

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